Theme 1:
The Hum of Bees
Bees are an integral part of the ecosystem. Build a project (game / app / story) on the importance of bees for humanity.
Theme 2
SDG: Clean water & sanitation
Build a project on the sustainable development goal of clean water and sanitation. It can be an informative app or game educating and promoting the SDG.
Theme 1:
Do you know what a constellation is? They are a group of stars that form a picture. Create your own constellation project showing some famous constellations. You can add graphical effects to the stars. Use your creativity to make it more interesting.
Theme 2
SDG: Zero Hunger
Build a project on the sustainable development goal of zero hunger. It can be a website app or game educating and providing a solution to the SDG.
Theme 1:
Food Waste
Over a third of all food produced is lost or wasted each year. Help solve this problem by proposing sustainable food solutions while significantly reducing food waste and loss.
Theme 2
AI in the classroom
AI is enriching several aspects of our lives. However we are yet to effectively use it in education. Build a classroom assistant chatbot leveraging existing LLM APIs to help teachers better educate students.